The Congress ATEXPO
becomes in 2014 …


ATEC ITS France Congress

Paris - ESPACE Champerret - 30-31 JANV. 2013

Accueil News Welcome to the ATEC ITS France 2014 Congress!


 Conferences, Exhibition and Meetings for smart & clean mobility


ATEC ITS France invites you to discover the English version of the event website by clicking on the following link : .

Spread the word to all your contacts!

Some key information :


After experiencing the language of Shakespeare,  ATEC ITS France Congress 2014 also turns to the Russian era!

Discover by yourself the Congress Program in Russian Cyrillic !


For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at the numbers below.


30 janvier 2013. 40eme congrès ATEXPO Espace Champerret à Paris.30 janvier 2013. 40eme congrès ATEXPO Espace Champerret à Paris.30 janvier 2013. 40eme congrès ATEXPO Espace Champerret à Paris.

         Stand booking                                    Registration to the Congress                                  Press Relation
  Partners / Sponsors                                      Finance Department


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