The Congress ATEXPO
becomes in 2014 …


ATEC ITS France Congress

Paris - ESPACE Champerret - 30-31 JANV. 2013

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The ATEXPO 2013 Exhibition…

30 janvier 2013. 40eme congrès ATEXPO Espace Champerret à Paris.

The exhibition facilitates meetings between those involved in urban and inter-urban, passenger or freight, land transport.

  • A venue for exchange and dialogue between experts;
  • The ideal venue to promote and discover products and IT services;
  • An opportunity to meet new prospective clients from all sectors.

The ATEC ITS France Association, which has organised this event for many years, brought its members and numerous contacts together to exhibit their expertise, products and services on 30 and 31 January 2013 at the ATEXPO exhibition.

This exhibition included more than 60 exhibitors specialising in the sector, who presented their latest innovations, activities, applications, technologies, services, products, equipment and systems for the operation of land transport systems and intelligent transport.

List of exhibitors 2013 

Photo Gallery

30 janvier 2013. 40eme congrès ATEXPO Espace Champerret à Paris.

Highlihts of the exhibition

Exhibition opening

Wednesday 30 January 2013 – 10:30am to 11:30am

Plenary Session of the Congress

Wednesday 30 January 2013 – 11:30am to 1:00pm

Yves Crozet, Proffesor at the University of Lyon, Institut d’études politiques (IEP), Chairman of the Laboratoire d’économie des Transports (LET)

See Congress program 


A place for exchanges and meetings with …

  •     Local authorities,
  •     State authorities and technical departments (Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning)
  •     Transport operators (motorway companies, road hauliers, etc.)


An event hosted in partnership with

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