The Congress ATEXPO
becomes in 2014 …


ATEC ITS France Congress

Paris - Beffroi de Montrouge - 26-27 JANV. 2016

Accueil Congress The Scientific Committee

Every year, the Scientific Committee proposes the theme of the next year’s Conference and disseminates the call for papers as widely as possible.

From the many proposals received, the Scientific Committee selects the most relevant ones for presentation at the Conference.

Members of the Scientific Committee

Chairman of the Scientific Committee

ATEC ITS France Bernard BASSET
Centre IFSTTAR Versailles-Satory Jean-Marc BLOSSEVILLE
Executive Director
Télécom Paris TEC Gérard CAMBILLAU
Transport and Mobility Delegate
Innovation and Development Director
FUNDP – University of Namur Eric CORNELIS
Lecturer and Senior Research Associate
Société des Transports de Tunis Ezzedine GAMMOUDI
Central Director
Head of Intelligent Transport Mission
Consulting Engineer
LVMT – University of Paris-Est Fabien LEURENT
Professor – Researcher, Deputy Director
General Manager
Communauté Urbaine Toulouse Métropole Serge MATHIEU
Field Manager
Conseil Général de la Seine Saint-Denis Michel MUNOZ
Deputy Head of Displacement and Heritage Road Management Service
Groupe APRR Jean-Louis PERON
Head of Technical Computer and Equipment Department
Mairie de Paris François PROCHASSON
Section Head, General Policy, Mobility Agency
CITEC Ingénieurs Conseils Franco TUFO
General Manager

Conference Themes of the last 20 years

2013 Mobility and Transport: major developments and future perspectives
2012 Intelligent journeys: from research to practice
2011 Transport, Environment, Traffic: what developments, what services?
2010 Mobility and the Future of Local areas: access to services
2009 Transport and Innovation: what developments, for what sort of future?
2008 Mobility and Lifestyle: strategic and technical responses of transport sector players
2007 Innovation in transport: technology, services and finance
2006 Continuity, interoperability and quality of transport networks and services: meeting users’ expectations
2005 Sustainable mobility: development, infrastructure, rolling stock, equipment and services
2004 Techniques and Technologies for safe and secure transport
2003 Information et mobility: projects, equipment, rolling stock and services
2002 New challenges: transport must change
2001 Implementation of journey planning and intelligent transport systems
2000 Transport and the information society
1999 Journey Security and Safety
1998 Journeys: the era of management
1997 Mobility in a sustainable environment
1995 Places in motion, places of motion
1994 Intermodality and complementarity of modes of transport
1993 What transport systems for our cities of tomorrow?

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