The Congress ATEXPO
becomes in 2014 …


ATEC ITS France Congress

Paris - ESPACE Champerret - 30-31 JANV. 2013


Prepare your exhibit 2014 !


To find out how to participate in the exhibition…





Congress Participants

Get your badge

Congress participants, book your badge!
Prolongation of the preferential rates until December 20 !!





Get your Visitor’s badge !


Do you want to meet experts about transport and smart mobility? 



Do not hesitate anymore, it’s free !





Report on the ATEC ITS France Congress 2014



Please leave us your contact information via the form dedicated to professionals from media and get your free access card.



Welcome to the ATEC ITS France 2014 Congress!09/12/2013

 Conferences, Exhibition and Meetings for smart & clean mobility
ATEC ITS France invites you to discover the English version of the event website by clicking on the following link : .
Spread the word to all your contacts!
Some key…

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An event hosted in partnership with